Council on Aging
October 21 2013
Members present: Alba Gouldthrope, Joyce Machiros, , Jean Doyle, Lu Ann Kuder, Gene Smith, Russell Pierce, Joanne Hogan, Martie Joe with Evelyn Noyes arriving a little late we had 100% attendance for the second month.
Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed and accepted by a voice vote. With a correction of the city Privatus Health Care was from. They are from Peabody.
Old Business
Discussion concerning (Privatus) a home care agency from Peabody presentation Martie found it very informative as they explained where a person could go to seek assistance and the difference between Medicare and Medicad.
Flu shots were given last week to 23 people down from 40 last year it was felt that since the drugstores started giving them and the Doctors office more people are opting to receive them at those other sites.
Martie stated the position for Program Coordinator has not been filled as other staff and volunteers have taken up the slack. The duties of the position are being reviewed to determine the need at this time as the participation numbers are low.
Question asked to the status of the Elder Emergency Fund. Martie shared it was ready to go to Town Hall but she was waiting on the remainder the fundraisers money from Margaret to come in. Primarily to be used for emergency shelter to make sure no one is sent to a homeless shelter in Haverhill or Lawrence.
Question how many frail elders are they in the community. Of the 600 seniors over 70 maybe 40 considered frail information derived from meals on wheels or known to have caregivers.
Less and less seniors asking or receiving help. Was a Segway into the survey. Joanne asked why a survey and not a more personal letter. Everyone agreed that they liked the Georgetown survey the best and Martie will incorporate the valid questions into Newbury’s Survey.
Continued discussion concerning COA should act as outreach sharing what the COA has to offer, Less and less people seeking COA out for help so suggestion was made what if the senior thought he/she could bring something to the center would be a good way to engage people. Geri Dorr suggested a reading program with the school apparently had one years ago and when the reading specialist was hired by the school did not feel it was useful, Martie will meet with the new principal to see if the program could be reinstated.
Martie also suggested seniors could read to individuals in Nursing Homes or those with Low-Vision.
Most people felt this was a good discussion and will continue next month.
Update the “Caregivers” course started last week with 12 people.
COA will be hosting a Christmas Party at The Firemen’s Hall on December 12th 2013. The friends of the council on aging will be sponsoring the event. Martie will be asking for a $3.00 donation to go to the Red Stocking Program . Friends of the Council will pay for the event. Joe asked for an update on the friend’s campaign to secure new members as it appears the number is still at 3. They are clearing up the mission before they proceed.
LuAnn described a new series she will be teaching called” Powerful tools for Caregivers” it will take place Tuesdays 6;00pm to 8:00pm starting October 15th through November 19th. It will be offered free and Martie is working on getting respite for attendees if needed. Looking for at least twelve people.
Other new business: New van driver Choo White. Program Coordinator just gave her notice but Martie is not going to fill the position right away will utilize van driver to set up trips with the van.
No report from the Friends of the Council on Aging as they do not meet in the Summer.
The newsletter is sent to all seniors over 65 (850) every other month with the postage being paid by the Friends which averages $225 per month.
Conversation continued about making the meeting space more appealing.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30
Next meeting October 21st at 1:00pm